June 15, 2010

Review 1: Personal Color - The Young Girl and Little Girl in Forest of Magic

Some of you may have already known that I was going to review some stuff such as Doujins, games, or products. And probably some other stuff in the future. I've never really reviewed anything so I'm guessing it will take awhile to get into it. So anyways, here I go with my very first review attempt. Also if you're wondering what made me choose to do a review on this particular Doujin the answer is nothing! No real reason and Sako just told me about this (though maybe he did recommend it?) I don't know I wasn't really paying much attention.

Here's the link to the Doujin.

Alright so lets get this started. I personally haven't read a Doujin for awhile now... So... well... The art style is pretty nice. It's a nice light 42 pages of... Alice? And loli? The loli was Marisa right?
Oh man I should have really kept my attention on reading because I was multitasking while I read it the first time.
To be honest I had no idea who some of the characters were, and well the story only made sense half the time. That is completely my fault though lol. Well... I did find the story to be quiet cute. Yet the atmosphere was rather ruined while reading it the first time. It was somewhat nostalgic reading over the work and seeing those childish sound effects. Unfortunately if I were to give you a quick summarized explanation of my view of the story I'd have to say (vague as it may be) that it was a cute story with nice art!

Score: 10/10
And for the loli, being my first professional review, not being focused on reading, as well as pity marks. This Doujin gets a 10/10!

-Man this feels sorta like one of those write ups... Uh you know the kind you do in English class?
-This is the first review I've done for pretty much anything and yes this was not to be taken too seriously. It was somewhat a joke. Well it's not really a joke review, it's more of a lazily improvised review!
-I do not intend on offending anyone whom enjoys the Doujin for them self.
-I promise to mix some serious reviews with some less serious reviews in the future.
-I'm hoping to build up better reviews from crappy ones like this!

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