June 24, 2010

Monster Hunter

Well I've been playing MH3 a little more often than I was these last weeks. It's still fun to play it casually. There are still those cocky people though. Yeah the ones who think they're great and all that, but then they die. Die constantly and blame it on random things or even the team. Really it's kinda annoying. I won't rant too hard because who knows maybe it was "I didn't expect that!" "Dude that's never happened before," and "Lolwtf." Or maybe it was because they were eating a sandwich. You know all those forty something deaths. Oh well, I've come to accept that in all forms of games there are various types of people. The same goes for life. Although I did get some good groups running. It was pretty nice hunting  without deaths, excusing, and with speed and teamwork. All in all MH3 is still fun to play.

I've always thought about crafting myself a switchaxe in real life. Maybe it would look good in my Advent Cirno cosplay. Or or I could just make awesome weapons and gain some sort of... "Blacksmith" Title lol. It would be fun to walk around cons with random awesome weapons as Advent Cirno. I'm kind of known for being Advent Cirno at cons so I'll probably just keep touching up the cosplay. If I had more time I'd clearly work on the switchaxe as well as much more! I've currently been working on a Visual Novel/Light Novel. Haha shouldn't have said anything, but oh well. I hope it doesn't get your hopes up. I may be setting you up for a let down! Woo!

Also I went to the beach with some friends today. It was really hot and tiring. I took a lot of pictures though. Ate fish and chip and drank a lot of soda. That probably wasn't a good idea and I'll probably crash later. Oh well. The bus on the way there was kinda smelly and bus-y? And on the way back I stood the whole two or so hours lol. Lost of walking today too so it feels great to sit down in my nice cold house! Oh and you know what else is cold?

Postly Cirno woo! Time to sleep. I'm booked for the next few days.

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