May 25, 2010


With seventeen days of school left, I'll probably end up failing Chemistry though I never enjoyed the class nor do I know why I took it in the first place! I still can't wait until summer though, it will give me time to work on things, have fun, and well... Say I'm bored every couple of hours.

Sometimes I think about how I envy those who can make music. I'd really wish I had that kind of talent. To be honest I'm not extremely good at anything, I'm more skilled at many different things but not to a high extent.

Also I'd like to talk about the weather again. It's been crazy with all the random changes. At first it's clear and fuzzies are seen flying around. Then BAM hard rain, then thirty minutes later it's a beautiful sunny day. Oh how I love you British Columbia.

1 comment:

  1. Yep I know how you feel, Science was never my favorite subject. but physics is worse. its math with extra thinking and logic..ugh. I also envy people with talent. my sister can paint beautiful murals and draw anything..yet she wastes that talent doing nothing but painting rarely and continues her job as a hair stylist...

    When I walk to school I sweat and ruin the whole Idea of taking a shower in the first place >.< Your lucky you have rain, we only get that once or twice a year!
