August 29, 2010

And another school year shall begin

Today I bought some really basic school supplies including many many many pens and paper. Spent about 50$ yay. This will be my last year in High School and I'm looking forward to getting out of it! I'm tired of the selfish people I have as friends. I hope that I can find freedom after graduation. The classes I'll be taking this year are Law, Photography, Math, AP Biology, PE, Japanese TA, English, and Writing. Hopefully it will be fun. Also Japan should be fun next year. I've already been planning a homestay program and just being a tourist for a bit over there. I've only currently saved up 1.5k monies but it goes up at a reasonable pace I guess! lol
Well school starts on September 8th here so there's only a few days of summer left. They will probably be boring and full of rage too! Hope you guys have enjoyed your summers! Hey I'll even post up a poll so be sure to get involved!
Another weird thing that happened today was I actually saw a dog poop on the floor in a mall! You don't see that everyday...

On another note here's some interesting updates on GW2 if you haven't already noticed.
Necromancers and a cool video lol.

August 26, 2010

Funny stuff

LOL! Well maybe it's not that funny but just a couple minutes ago I was playing HoN. It was the picking phase  and stuff right and the host puts 4 locks on each team. We were playing with one of the Honcast people I think. Well anyways we were playing Single Draft and people wanted to trade me for HB and I though they wanted WB but that's cause I was just zoning out cause I've been playing HoN all morning (Winning streak ftw.) So anyways they pick the trades and the timer's at 15 seconds so I click WB and the guy who wanted HB was like "WHY! WHYYYYYY WHHHHHHHHHHY WHYYYYY!" And I was like "Shiii! Oh shiii!" And the team was all like "Wtf?" The other team members didn't pick anything because they were distracted so they got randomed of course. It was kinda funny and it was a 1600+ game. So the game starts and our team has like the most retarded team and we vote for a remake. At this point our team was still all like "Shiii!" We all passed btu the other team was like "No. Give us a reason." Our team was like "Fuuuu!" But luckily after a few seconds of panicking and arguing AND saying different stupid reasons one of our guys was like "Pred has to go!" The other team replied with "No. I don't believe you." And the vote fails again! But since of course we had 4 locks Pred's buddy probably told him to disconnect himself and he does! LOL VOTE PASSED. Okay well it was more funny being their so I laughed my butt off a little.
-Long story short. Retarded moment.

here you get a postly Cirno today. Also LAG SO MUCH LAG!

August 24, 2010

Almost 99?

Hey look, 92 hits! That means Mintz should be mailing me a little gift eh? Hehe anyways only a few more!
It's quite surprising that there have been more hits lately but it's probably just one of those times you know?

So today was the Sayonara party with the Otsuma group. It was still pretty sad. Not the same as Seiwa because the group had 52 girls and it was much harder to get to know any of them. There were still a few really nice/interesting girls though! It was fun talking with them and getting to learn and practice Japanese.
So the volunteering this summer was very fun although it would have been much more enjoyable with less of the people I know being volunteers too. Yeah it's kind of selfish of me but it's really quite tiring being around these people all the time! It was still fun so whatever I guess.
As for the gifts I've received I got a fan, a bunch of Hatsune Miku art, a post card, thank you cards, a fan, lots of origami items, and those paper balloon things! Exchanged a bunch of e-mails too of course. It's really fun  helping students like this so if you guys ever get an opportunity to I'd advise you take it!
One of the negatives was I seem to have dulled down my English lol. Talking slow at times, repeating myself, talking with simple words, or even killing my grammar. Not to mention talking in Japanese. It really just hurts my English lol. Hopefully not for too long because I have quite a few English related classes next year.

Well other than that I made a Twitter account a few days back because one of the girls apparently liked using Twitter so whatever lol. Here's a link if you're interested and into that stuff.
Personally I have no idea what Twitter is an it really seems kind of confusing and uninteresting but I'll post stuff every once in awhile I guess.
And I've also made a Japanese Yahoo account which is still kinda confusing to use and I can't seem to e-mail stuff! Online translators can only do so much!

Here's a nice song one of the girls showed me. It's kinda old but who cares! I'll post oldies every once in awhile!

Enjoy guys. And I hope you guys are enjoying your Summers!

August 23, 2010


HoN been playing HoN a lot these past few days. (After the volunteering work of course.) So I finally purchased HoN (Heroes of Newerth for those of you who don't know. It's pretty much Dota. I never played Dota 8D.) I guess you can still place me in the noob tier even though I've been playing for a year pretty much.
Much deaths, much losing, and some winning and KSing. Many retarded players too!
Oh well, that's been fun.

Today I went to Robson's Street, a place in Vancouver where I've been to enough in the past little while. Mostly because the Japanese girls go there for their program and knowing me, I'm a volunteer.
We only had an hour and a half there so that really wasn't all that long. I'm sure they would have loved to have more time shopping there.
Other than that we went to UBC. It was familiar because I was at Anime Evolution there just a week ago!
It felt so natural being at UBC.
Bought some hot chocolate and a cookie at the Student Union Building while the Japanese girls went and got some sort of lecture in another building. The volunteers had free time then. Then we headed over to the book store to well, buy books and stuff. Not many of the students wanted to go but we went anyways. I still think that we should have spent less time at the two places in UBC and spent more time on Robson's street.
Well kinda fun overall. I also got another drawing of Hatsune Miku from one of the girls. They haven't given me much other than their art and a bookmark. It's all good. The only reason they seem to think I love Miku (Well I love Miku but she's not my faaavorite.) is because I drew a little Miku on my name tag Fff. Still pretty nice getting gifts though!

This is kind of a meaty post yay! So anyways I kinda want to talk about the group a bit more as well as some of the highlights of the volunteering I've done so far.I'll post it another time though because tomorrow is the leaving ceremony for this group! T_T
 It's also pleasing that the blog still gets a few random hits every now and then! Even while not much is posted.

Here's a nice group I guess that's what you call them right? Band, artist? Perfume.

Hey look a postly Cirno!

August 19, 2010

August 19, 2010

Well today I was helping the Japanese students with English, that was sort of fun. The teacher showed them politeness by ordering me to refill her cup of hot water.
I also helped out with making dream catchers. Similar to the Seiwa group (The previous group.) the dream catchers were kind of messy but I still helped them out. Come on!
Anyways after that we played some sports outside such as beach volleyball. You gotta love when your feet are in the cold sand. We weren't at a beach, there's a sandy volleyball court behind the dorm where the girls were staying. It was dark out too, so cold stuff.
This group has some interesting members and many otakus apparently. Good stuff.
I was kind of angry how my mom rejected becoming a homestay family for one of these girls because she didn't know and the guest room was kind of messy. Oh well, maybe next time.
Well not much else to talk about. Hope you guys enjoy the last few days of your summer. (Or did enjoy your last few days of summer if you are already finished.)

Also by the time I post this post the Anime Evolution photo dump should be up. Yay.

Here's some postly videos. I guess the postly videos are awesome songs and or random videos.

August 16, 2010

Anime Evolution 2010

This year was pretty fun I guess. Didn't buy much other than a Miku plushie. It was disappointing how little stuff interested me in the dealer's room. Went to the usual Touhou and Nico Nico panels and of course was greeted by those whom knew me from the past years and such. I was surprised when the head coordinator of the Touhou panel decided to move the date up a day because I couldn't make it on the first day last year.
It was really hot during the convention this year. Not only because the venue was held at UBC, It's summer! Summer means hoooot! So the cosplay itself was kind of gross being in.
Somethings that I would like to participate in next year (If I'm not in Japan.) are the Open Cosplay battles, Anime Idol, being a staff member or a volunteer, and maybe joining some more contests for fun.

Well I'll post the photo dump video and maybe some pictures of the convention here sometime soon.

August 10, 2010

August 10, 2010

It's almost August 11 cause It's 11:10PM. Nothing much to write about but still it's one of those days when you just want to write about stuff even when there's nothing! As you can see I'm writing a lot in a little post just to keep things going!
Hey at least I'm posting cause the Blog is getting loneleeeey!
Anime Evolution is coming up soon and there's still a lot of preparing to be done. Not to mention all the crap that's been going on. Personally I'm kind of not motivated to do anything and maybe the convention won't be that fun but still I'll be going.
A lot of the people that said they would be going canceled last minute of course. It's good stuff.
The Advent Cirno cosplay has been touched up and the swords have been touched up as well, at least a little bit.

Actually these days I have been pretty depressed. The way people have been treating me and the stuff just going around in general is very depressing. Personally I'm kind of angry how the guys have like stolen any and every bond I may have made with the Japanese girls and I don't know why it bothers me so much. This here is selfish ranting yeah!

Summer is almost over and it's been pretty crappy I'd say. I don't even feel like going to Japan next summer anyways. Everything is just so depressing, I hate it all.
So other than ranting and the possible hold of all project, VNs, art, and blah blah blah. I have been listening to a lot of Japanese music, mostly J-rock, other stuff too..

Here, some videos to keep you busy as usual. Have fun.

August 07, 2010


Today the Seiwa group headed back to Nagasaki Japan after staying in a home stay program for about a month.
I'll really miss the group, it was really fun and was a memorable experience. It will definitely be hard to top off the Seiwa group. Though it's the first group I've helped with in forever lol. It was really a sad goodbye this rainy morning. I'll hopefully (Probably.) be visiting them next year during my Japan trip.

Well that's that and that's why I haven't posted or done much lately. Was out volunteering for the Seiwa girls.
On the 16th though I'll be with the Otsuma group which is about four times as large. And the days will be much muuuch longer. So there will probably be a lack in posts as well.

Oh and Anime Evolution is on the 13th-15th this year so I'll also be going to that of course. I kinda wish I had some more time so I could be playing games like Starcraft 2 Ffff.

And here`s 400ish dollars in Toonies! (Mine.)

Sorry! Nothing too interesting in this post and the posts lately!

August 01, 2010

Posty Post

*Gasp* This title has been used in the past already!!

Well it's a long weekend right now. Nothing to do until Tuesday when I can volunteer again as well as get my braces tightened yay!
So to kill time today I went to Richmond with a friend because I had to go to some relative's 96th Birthday Party anyways.
Bought me a pair of glasses because my friend also wanted a pair and they would be cheaper if we both bought a pair. I also got me some sort of small hangable Reimu and Marisa plushies. If I had a car I'd so put em inside!
It was surprising that Soul of Anime had some more Touhou stuff because they usually have NONE. Other than these two things (Which I instantly grabbed as soon as my eyes hit em.) There were larger ones! I had no intention of buying them because they did cost quite a bit and they seemed a little dirty. In the end I settled for the small ones.
Oh and here you can even have a really dark picture of me, the stuff, and a mouth full of sausage bun mmm 8D.

Also more videos. Woo!

Last but not least... 69 hits and 2 votes on the poll with 16 hours to go! Yeah!!