So I'll be going camping for the weekend and I should be leaving either later or early tomorrow. I don't remember where I'm going or anything, nor am I packed up and ready. Maybe I should do my packing now.
I don't have anything much else to say now...
Uhh... for those who bother looking at this have a great time. I'll be back soon! Oh oh and lets hope for lolis yaaay!
Also that VN I'm working on with Mark is making some progress. Maybe it will be done by the end of summer >_>. And Mintz, you should make me some musiiiic!
Video fillers! Woohoo! (Some old favorites on YouTube)
Some Cirno before I go!
June 30, 2010
June 28, 2010
2:22 AM
It's only 2:22 AM right now. I've been staying up until around 3:00 AM these days. Why you ask? Well I've just drawing and working on three projects. Yeah not one but THREE projects FFFFF. I'll release more info when the time comes but until then... I don't know? We'll all have to wait and pretend there's nothing coming because with hype comes pressure and pressure kills! Oh and if you or anyone you know is able to make some music please tell me.
Anyways I'll be going camping this Friday until Sunday with a friend's family somewhere down south so I'll be away on said days. While I'm gone I'd expect there to be 99 hits on the Blog, come on! And yeah yeah I know I said I'd try not to advertise, see I'm not! But I do plan to once I get some stuff up so until then I'll still have my two regular-ish viewers... Woo.
Postly Cirno has been posted along with some random videos. Nothing too special, enjoy.
Oh and remind me to make work on improving the layout of the site! It's still pretty lame and I can't find the time to work on it.
Anyways I'll be going camping this Friday until Sunday with a friend's family somewhere down south so I'll be away on said days. While I'm gone I'd expect there to be 99 hits on the Blog, come on! And yeah yeah I know I said I'd try not to advertise, see I'm not! But I do plan to once I get some stuff up so until then I'll still have my two regular-ish viewers... Woo.
Postly Cirno has been posted along with some random videos. Nothing too special, enjoy.
Oh and remind me to make work on improving the layout of the site! It's still pretty lame and I can't find the time to work on it.
June 26, 2010
Angel Beats!
Funny how all my titles are of games and animes now eh? No, not really. Anyways I just finished up Angel Beats episode 13. I've gotta say it's unfortunate I couldn't watch it seriously the whole time but some parts were still pretty sad. I'll have to find some time to watch the series all over again. Angel Beats had great art and music. Though I've gotta say it was totally my bad that I kept killing the atmosphere while watching, otherwise the story was nice. The ending could have been better though. I did however like how the order of the people went down.
Kanade had been my favorite character throughout the series. I do miss when she was darker like in the past episodes, she was kinda fruity on the last one. She's cute regardless though! This kinda turned into a mini review. So it's all just opinion of course.
If you haven't already watched Angel Beats I'd definitely recommend it! It's a great anime.
No Cirno today. Try again later.
Now to find me some more Mapo Tofu.
Kanade had been my favorite character throughout the series. I do miss when she was darker like in the past episodes, she was kinda fruity on the last one. She's cute regardless though! This kinda turned into a mini review. So it's all just opinion of course.
If you haven't already watched Angel Beats I'd definitely recommend it! It's a great anime.
No Cirno today. Try again later.
Now to find me some more Mapo Tofu.
June 24, 2010
Monster Hunter
Well I've been playing MH3 a little more often than I was these last weeks. It's still fun to play it casually. There are still those cocky people though. Yeah the ones who think they're great and all that, but then they die. Die constantly and blame it on random things or even the team. Really it's kinda annoying. I won't rant too hard because who knows maybe it was "I didn't expect that!" "Dude that's never happened before," and "Lolwtf." Or maybe it was because they were eating a sandwich. You know all those forty something deaths. Oh well, I've come to accept that in all forms of games there are various types of people. The same goes for life. Although I did get some good groups running. It was pretty nice hunting without deaths, excusing, and with speed and teamwork. All in all MH3 is still fun to play.
I've always thought about crafting myself a switchaxe in real life. Maybe it would look good in my Advent Cirno cosplay. Or or I could just make awesome weapons and gain some sort of... "Blacksmith" Title lol. It would be fun to walk around cons with random awesome weapons as Advent Cirno. I'm kind of known for being Advent Cirno at cons so I'll probably just keep touching up the cosplay. If I had more time I'd clearly work on the switchaxe as well as much more! I've currently been working on a Visual Novel/Light Novel. Haha shouldn't have said anything, but oh well. I hope it doesn't get your hopes up. I may be setting you up for a let down! Woo!
Also I went to the beach with some friends today. It was really hot and tiring. I took a lot of pictures though. Ate fish and chip and drank a lot of soda. That probably wasn't a good idea and I'll probably crash later. Oh well. The bus on the way there was kinda smelly and bus-y? And on the way back I stood the whole two or so hours lol. Lost of walking today too so it feels great to sit down in my nice cold house! Oh and you know what else is cold?
I've always thought about crafting myself a switchaxe in real life. Maybe it would look good in my Advent Cirno cosplay. Or or I could just make awesome weapons and gain some sort of... "Blacksmith" Title lol. It would be fun to walk around cons with random awesome weapons as Advent Cirno. I'm kind of known for being Advent Cirno at cons so I'll probably just keep touching up the cosplay. If I had more time I'd clearly work on the switchaxe as well as much more! I've currently been working on a Visual Novel/Light Novel. Haha shouldn't have said anything, but oh well. I hope it doesn't get your hopes up. I may be setting you up for a let down! Woo!
Also I went to the beach with some friends today. It was really hot and tiring. I took a lot of pictures though. Ate fish and chip and drank a lot of soda. That probably wasn't a good idea and I'll probably crash later. Oh well. The bus on the way there was kinda smelly and bus-y? And on the way back I stood the whole two or so hours lol. Lost of walking today too so it feels great to sit down in my nice cold house! Oh and you know what else is cold?
Postly Cirno woo! Time to sleep. I'm booked for the next few days.
June 22, 2010
lol Runescape
So I started playing Runescape again and have just been playing it casually for the past few days (yeah yeah I used to play Runescape too). Why you ask? Well no big reason. I'm just bored and it's an old game I enjoyed.
Anyways man the community on this game now is brutal. These kids are talking smack everywhere! And apparently it's all about who pwns who in PvP? PvP in Runescape isn't even that great. Oh and man, the character names are such eye sores! With all the racial, random, stupid annoying names in general. Man the game's community has changed quite a lot over the many years, but in reality the majority of in game communities have been filled with lets see... Smack talking gangsters, whiny little kids with terrible grammar, role players, attention whores, and it's just harder to find reasonable players nowadays it seems. And of course this is just my personal observation. I'm sure the case is different with you guys. And hey, maybe some of you guys enjoy playing with people like this. I don't mind too much but it's annoying. People have the freedom to do and act as they wish. I'll still find it funny when you find people acting like 24 year old gangsters from the ghettos. Maybe they really are 24 year old gangsters in the ghettos playing Runescape?
I should try to stop as soon as possible though because it takes up time grinding. It limits the time that I have for working on other things, hint hint cough. Not that kind of stuff though, stupid. And woo I just hit 96 Attack and almost have enough money to buy a DFS to go with my Bandos and stuff lol. Feel free to call nerd, EVERYONE does that in the game these days. It's probably because Guild Wars 2 isn't coming out for awhile that made me want to grind it up on Runescape. I mean if Guild Wars 2 came out in summer I'd be grinding it up EVERYDAY! I'm unsure if that's a good or a bad thing though. If you guys want to play anything with me feel free to yell.
And now I sit here. I sit here eating curry fried rice.
I sit here and watch the Blog die.
For the hit count isn't going up!!
But that's okay lol.
Postly Cirno Fanservice time! Goddamn I better get like nine million hits for this one!
I hate you all! Oh the things I do. And the things you enjoy. Oh yeah if you find typos or you know stuff like yell a comment.
Anyways man the community on this game now is brutal. These kids are talking smack everywhere! And apparently it's all about who pwns who in PvP? PvP in Runescape isn't even that great. Oh and man, the character names are such eye sores! With all the racial, random, stupid annoying names in general. Man the game's community has changed quite a lot over the many years, but in reality the majority of in game communities have been filled with lets see... Smack talking gangsters, whiny little kids with terrible grammar, role players, attention whores, and it's just harder to find reasonable players nowadays it seems. And of course this is just my personal observation. I'm sure the case is different with you guys. And hey, maybe some of you guys enjoy playing with people like this. I don't mind too much but it's annoying. People have the freedom to do and act as they wish. I'll still find it funny when you find people acting like 24 year old gangsters from the ghettos. Maybe they really are 24 year old gangsters in the ghettos playing Runescape?
I should try to stop as soon as possible though because it takes up time grinding. It limits the time that I have for working on other things, hint hint cough. Not that kind of stuff though, stupid. And woo I just hit 96 Attack and almost have enough money to buy a DFS to go with my Bandos and stuff lol. Feel free to call nerd, EVERYONE does that in the game these days. It's probably because Guild Wars 2 isn't coming out for awhile that made me want to grind it up on Runescape. I mean if Guild Wars 2 came out in summer I'd be grinding it up EVERYDAY! I'm unsure if that's a good or a bad thing though. If you guys want to play anything with me feel free to yell.
And now I sit here. I sit here eating curry fried rice.
I sit here and watch the Blog die.
For the hit count isn't going up!!
But that's okay lol.
Postly Cirno Fanservice time! Goddamn I better get like nine million hits for this one!
I hate you all! Oh the things I do. And the things you enjoy. Oh yeah if you find typos or you know stuff like yell a comment.
June 21, 2010
So it wasn't summer yet?
Well I heard it only turned summer today. Is that true? I've never been really good with dates or months. Time isn't my thing. Happy summer! And I'll just post because I feel as if I should post!
Yesterday was Father's Day, right? Well I never checked and some relatives came over. There was much karaoke and eating/talking of course. Kinda boring.
Oh and today I fixed up my timetable for next years classes. I'll be taking Photography, Biology, Writing, and PE aside from the usual classes such as Math and English etc. Oh and I'll be a teachers assistant for Grade 9 Japanese lol. Also taking Law as well. Just to filly my spots though.
Also it sucks cause we canceled going to the cabin this weekend for paint balling and well camping? Oh we my friend said he'd probably reschedule it. Hopefully we will because I already refilled my tank and bought a box of paint! Also went to Superstore to stock up on snacks and stuff. Got me some ice cream, honey, bread, a box of instant noodles, as well as other stuff. Also Inami is so cute!
Well whatever now, here's yourdaily postly Cirno.
Oh and if you find me double posting a picture. Feel free to yell at me.
Yesterday was Father's Day, right? Well I never checked and some relatives came over. There was much karaoke and eating/talking of course. Kinda boring.
Oh and today I fixed up my timetable for next years classes. I'll be taking Photography, Biology, Writing, and PE aside from the usual classes such as Math and English etc. Oh and I'll be a teachers assistant for Grade 9 Japanese lol. Also taking Law as well. Just to filly my spots though.
Also it sucks cause we canceled going to the cabin this weekend for paint balling and well camping? Oh we my friend said he'd probably reschedule it. Hopefully we will because I already refilled my tank and bought a box of paint! Also went to Superstore to stock up on snacks and stuff. Got me some ice cream, honey, bread, a box of instant noodles, as well as other stuff. Also Inami is so cute!
Well whatever now, here's your
Oh and if you find me double posting a picture. Feel free to yell at me.
June 20, 2010
Summer fun?
Other than that today pretty much right after work my friend called to tell me he was coming to pick me up for the BBQ party thing. That was kinda fun.
Well tired now so here' I'll post a Cirno before I go to bed.
June 18, 2010
Summer break hooray!
So I finally finished my exams and such and now it's time for too much free time yay! It definitely feels and smells like summer right now! (don't ask me why) Freedom!!
Not much planned for upcoming days. I'll be training some friends at work, getting my paintball/camping gear ready, going to some sort of BBQ, and well not doing much! That just means I can probably get some work done on the Blog! And maybe draw some more. Wait, only 40 hits? Ffff gotta get to 99 sometime before summer!
Also while checking the mail ever so frequently I finally received my Cirno! (yeah I've never bothered to order one up until now) It was a surprise to see the mailbox stuffed. I also ordered a bunch of new crap a few days but I paid extra to get it fast lol. Pretty much lost hope of Cirno after waiting so long so you much have guessed how it must have felt! So anyways here's my up to date desktop top which isn't much different from last time!
Cheers to staying cool this summer!
And here's something I Worked on, get it? Have a great summer guys. Stay safe and have fun!
Not much planned for upcoming days. I'll be training some friends at work, getting my paintball/camping gear ready, going to some sort of BBQ, and well not doing much! That just means I can probably get some work done on the Blog! And maybe draw some more. Wait, only 40 hits? Ffff gotta get to 99 sometime before summer!
Also while checking the mail ever so frequently I finally received my Cirno! (yeah I've never bothered to order one up until now) It was a surprise to see the mailbox stuffed. I also ordered a bunch of new crap a few days but I paid extra to get it fast lol. Pretty much lost hope of Cirno after waiting so long so you much have guessed how it must have felt! So anyways here's my up to date desktop top which isn't much different from last time!
Cheers to staying cool this summer!
And here's something I Worked on, get it? Have a great summer guys. Stay safe and have fun!
June 16, 2010
Exam time!
Exams start tomorrow and continue to the day after as well as provincials after after. Didn't study but that's okay! I'll be doing an exam for English, Math, and Chemistry this time (I already finished the Jap one). Oh well this just means summer break is almost here!
iTunes managed to play a bunch of awesome songs in a row today, I think that was pretty awesome. Anyways can't write much, I'll blame exams though!
Lookout! More Cirno!
iTunes managed to play a bunch of awesome songs in a row today, I think that was pretty awesome. Anyways can't write much, I'll blame exams though!
Lookout! More Cirno!
June 15, 2010
Review 1: Personal Color - The Young Girl and Little Girl in Forest of Magic
Some of you may have already known that I was going to review some stuff such as Doujins, games, or products. And probably some other stuff in the future. I've never really reviewed anything so I'm guessing it will take awhile to get into it. So anyways, here I go with my very first review attempt. Also if you're wondering what made me choose to do a review on this particular Doujin the answer is nothing! No real reason and Sako just told me about this (though maybe he did recommend it?) I don't know I wasn't really paying much attention.
Here's the link to the Doujin.
Oh man I should have really kept my attention on reading because I was multitasking while I read it the first time.
To be honest I had no idea who some of the characters were, and well the story only made sense half the time. That is completely my fault though lol. Well... I did find the story to be quiet cute. Yet the atmosphere was rather ruined while reading it the first time. It was somewhat nostalgic reading over the work and seeing those childish sound effects. Unfortunately if I were to give you a quick summarized explanation of my view of the story I'd have to say (vague as it may be) that it was a cute story with nice art!
Score: 10/10
And for the loli, being my firstprofessional review, not being focused on reading, as well as pity marks. This Doujin gets a 10/10!
-Man this feels sorta like one of those write ups... Uh you know the kind you do in English class?
-This is the first review I've done for pretty much anything and yes this was not to be taken too seriously. It was somewhat a joke. Well it's not really a joke review, it's more of a lazily improvised review!
-I do not intend on offending anyone whom enjoys the Doujin for them self.
-I promise to mix some serious reviews with some less serious reviews in the future.
-I'm hoping to build up better reviews from crappy ones like this!
Here's the link to the Doujin.
Alright so lets get this started. I personally haven't read a Doujin for awhile now... So... well... The art style is pretty nice. It's a nice light 42 pages of... Alice? And loli? The loli was Marisa right?Oh man I should have really kept my attention on reading because I was multitasking while I read it the first time.
To be honest I had no idea who some of the characters were, and well the story only made sense half the time. That is completely my fault though lol. Well... I did find the story to be quiet cute. Yet the atmosphere was rather ruined while reading it the first time. It was somewhat nostalgic reading over the work and seeing those childish sound effects. Unfortunately if I were to give you a quick summarized explanation of my view of the story I'd have to say (vague as it may be) that it was a cute story with nice art!
Score: 10/10
And for the loli, being my first
-Man this feels sorta like one of those write ups... Uh you know the kind you do in English class?
-This is the first review I've done for pretty much anything and yes this was not to be taken too seriously. It was somewhat a joke. Well it's not really a joke review, it's more of a lazily improvised review!
-I do not intend on offending anyone whom enjoys the Doujin for them self.
-I promise to mix some serious reviews with some less serious reviews in the future.
-I'm hoping to build up better reviews from crappy ones like this!
June 14, 2010
Lacking a Title
So I've caught up to my current animes "Angel Beats, Kaichou wa Maid-sama, K-ON, and Working!!"
I've gotta say "Working!!" is a pretty fun anime (I'm probably paying a lot of attention to "Working!!" because I've watched multiple episodes to get up to date). I have to say Inami is my favorite character from the series though knowing me I should probably like the loli more than I do now, and well It's not like I dislike Taneshima. I personally just find Inami is cuter. On another note I've been eating fast food more often lately (probably just tired of the food at home). And I've been having KFC after school for the past few days. Yeah yeah it's not healthy, but It's not gonna hurt me much (hopefully). I have quite a slim build so I'd think maybe gaining a little more weight might not be a problem.
And of course, I've just been drawing and listening to music most of my time on these sunny sunny days.
Finally here's some more daily Cirno.
I've gotta say "Working!!" is a pretty fun anime (I'm probably paying a lot of attention to "Working!!" because I've watched multiple episodes to get up to date). I have to say Inami is my favorite character from the series though knowing me I should probably like the loli more than I do now, and well It's not like I dislike Taneshima. I personally just find Inami is cuter. On another note I've been eating fast food more often lately (probably just tired of the food at home). And I've been having KFC after school for the past few days. Yeah yeah it's not healthy, but It's not gonna hurt me much (hopefully). I have quite a slim build so I'd think maybe gaining a little more weight might not be a problem.
And of course, I've just been drawing and listening to music most of my time on these sunny sunny days.
Finally here's some more daily Cirno.
June 13, 2010
Do you ever find yourself singing songs on a bright summer day? Because I do! I've mostly been drawing and singing during my free time this weekend. And man I really think I should get a new chair, this one's nice and all but it's getting old. It's just not as comfortable as it used to be. One more week of school, yay exams!
Now here's some 8-bit Alice and a PV to keep you busy. Back to drawing for me.
Now here's some 8-bit Alice and a PV to keep you busy. Back to drawing for me.
June 12, 2010
The sun is shining
Didn't so much today, though it's only 3:17PM. Slept at 2is last night and woke up around 6:30AM then fell back asleep. Woke up around 9AM and didn't do much until 9:45AM at which I went out to a friends house to finish off a project. Man I haven't even done much but I'm tired.
And here's an interesting rendition of "Bad Apple" in which I shall fill this post with.
And here's an interesting rendition of "Bad Apple" in which I shall fill this post with.
June 11, 2010
Kinda lazy to write but at least I'm writing right now! Actually I'm quite happy to be home right now. After a gloomy wet school day I walked home after spending about an hour trying to get into a friends locker. I was on the phone with him and trying to get the lock open because it had my SP8 circuit board inside which another friend of mine sautered (yeah no idea how to spell it) some loose wires back on. I guess I'll have to pick it up on Monday. Oh and back to the weather, it's sunny right now. Yay! But I disliked walking back home and the bruised arm sucked in general.
Mm I also got myself a yearbook today. I never really planned on getting one until grad year but since I was one of the people who worked on it I though to myself "Might as well." I'd complain on how much hype there is on these things every year but I'll save that for another time. Its funny looking back at the pages I worked on, they suck. And at least some people wrote some funny stuff lol.
Also I've gotta say, no comment on Angel Beats 11. Maybe I was just waaay too tired but that episode felt slow and I could hardly keep up at times. It's probably just me! As for Kaichou wa Maid-sama, it was fun to watch as usual. Also I'm still working on Working!!
Anyways here's some more Cirno to cool off.
Mm I also got myself a yearbook today. I never really planned on getting one until grad year but since I was one of the people who worked on it I though to myself "Might as well." I'd complain on how much hype there is on these things every year but I'll save that for another time. Its funny looking back at the pages I worked on, they suck. And at least some people wrote some funny stuff lol.
Also I've gotta say, no comment on Angel Beats 11. Maybe I was just waaay too tired but that episode felt slow and I could hardly keep up at times. It's probably just me! As for Kaichou wa Maid-sama, it was fun to watch as usual. Also I'm still working on Working!!
Anyways here's some more Cirno to cool off.
June 10, 2010
14 Hits
Whoa I have 14 views on my counter lol. That's almost double yesterday. Sure it's not really a big deal but it is something to talk about! I'm still unsure how the counter works but I guess it probably is just random people hitting the "Next Blog" button. Anyways if you're a random enjoying this Blog please hit me up and bookmark!
On a random note I have quite a few things I have to work on as you should already know school is almost out. So many projects and things to work on so there will probably be less post and or less interesting posts.
And of course, more Cirno! Hooray!
Oh and here's some Marisa, nothing special I just felt like posting this today.
Also I just fell down the stairs in my back yard because the steps were... Icy? Come on what the hell! Anyways I'm fine other than the big bruise on my arm which skid down the handles. I hate bruises!
June 09, 2010
Haven't been doing much, but I've added "Working!!" to my list of currently watching animes. Also Ffff
I'm still hoping to make myself a tanky Loli Warrior. Just by reading the page it seems like Warriors have a too many goodies in store (not really complaining), but a few friends of mine think it's a little too much or a little stupid how Warriors can use Rifles/Longbows. I personally don't think they will be that great but who knows. I'm still excited! With only two confirmed professions I'm sure they'll have some mainly Ranged oriented profession. I'm no pro, nor have I researched Guild Wars 2 that much. I'm just sharing with you guys cause I'm still excited!
More Cirno of course. Don't be surprised if I post a random picture every day!
Summer summer summer. Come faster! About seven school days left! Sadly a lot of people I know are already out of school. I want to have freedom too!
Also only 9 hits on the site! I'm never going to get my pin! Go go go 99!
I'm still hoping to make myself a tanky Loli Warrior. Just by reading the page it seems like Warriors have a too many goodies in store (not really complaining), but a few friends of mine think it's a little too much or a little stupid how Warriors can use Rifles/Longbows. I personally don't think they will be that great but who knows. I'm still excited! With only two confirmed professions I'm sure they'll have some mainly Ranged oriented profession. I'm no pro, nor have I researched Guild Wars 2 that much. I'm just sharing with you guys cause I'm still excited!
More Cirno of course. Don't be surprised if I post a random picture every day!
Summer summer summer. Come faster! About seven school days left! Sadly a lot of people I know are already out of school. I want to have freedom too!
Also only 9 hits on the site! I'm never going to get my pin! Go go go 99!
June 08, 2010
Well I just got back from Ortho and man my dentist person is sloppy as usual. She got me wet again, poked me a lot with pointed objects, and all that stuff. She also managed to accidentally let go of one of the elastics resulting in hitting me in the gums with some force. I bled a little and it didn't hurt a lot but she though it was a good idea to use that numbing cream stuff (yeah the kind before they inject the other numbing stuff...?). Anyways I'm numb for no good reason and I even managed to get some on my tongue which isn't all that fun. Well I won't be able to eat anything nice for a few days. At least I got me a pink Ortho brush.
On the other hand it's freaking hot! It was nice though because I was able to sleep easily in English after doing my composition. I also took out my SP8 so I could test it out and bit and waste some air (so I can refill it of course). I have some paint left but I'll need to get some more because I'll be going with some friends to a cabin to well camp and paintball I guess. That will be in 20s this June.
And I don't really have anything interesting to show you so here's more Cirno.
On the other hand it's freaking hot! It was nice though because I was able to sleep easily in English after doing my composition. I also took out my SP8 so I could test it out and bit and waste some air (so I can refill it of course). I have some paint left but I'll need to get some more because I'll be going with some friends to a cabin to well camp and paintball I guess. That will be in 20s this June.
And I don't really have anything interesting to show you so here's more Cirno.
June 07, 2010
New temporary Header
Alright as you may have already seen I've put a site counter thing on my Blog to see if anyone is actually checking it out. Anyways I need 99 hits before Mintz sends me something special.
Also I would like to please viewers and give them things they want, but I'd like to try to be as mature as possible and try not to whore myself. So feel free to request things. (and no I will not release any information or hints which could spoil my future works even if you ask for them. I'm sure you guys love surprises too.)
And tell me how you guys like my Blog so far and perhaps share some opinions and ideas, I'm open to them.
I should also talk about the weather more as I'm sure you all love hearing about it, right? Anyways the weather has been much more summery lately. The sun is actually hot! Yes really really hot. Wish there were more cool items in my fridge. If you guys know anything good leave a comment.
Also I've been trying to draw lately, it hasn't been working out so well. And as much as I'd hate talking about things like this as it could make some viewers wish and or ask to see what I've been drawing or what I've been making. I really just need more things to talk about! So here I am filling this much needed space! Ten school days left!

And here I'll even post a random picture I found in my folders full of hentai! (not really.) Do you think I should just post random Cirno pictures every once in a while when I post?
Also I would like to please viewers and give them things they want, but I'd like to try to be as mature as possible and try not to whore myself. So feel free to request things. (and no I will not release any information or hints which could spoil my future works even if you ask for them. I'm sure you guys love surprises too.)
And tell me how you guys like my Blog so far and perhaps share some opinions and ideas, I'm open to them.
I should also talk about the weather more as I'm sure you all love hearing about it, right? Anyways the weather has been much more summery lately. The sun is actually hot! Yes really really hot. Wish there were more cool items in my fridge. If you guys know anything good leave a comment.
Also I've been trying to draw lately, it hasn't been working out so well. And as much as I'd hate talking about things like this as it could make some viewers wish and or ask to see what I've been drawing or what I've been making. I really just need more things to talk about! So here I am filling this much needed space! Ten school days left!

And hey look! It's the sky! Hooray! I took this picture after some idiot pulled the fire alarm some time after third block today, it's quite a nice sunny day.

And here I'll even post a random picture I found in my folders full of hentai! (not really.) Do you think I should just post random Cirno pictures every once in a while when I post?
June 06, 2010
"And victory shall follow!"
As much as I'd have to say I would hate to post twice in a single day. Oh well.
Why you ask? I have no idea. Well actually, I guess you can call it fan service.
Also when summer starts hopefully I'll be able to work on the Blog and make it a lot more interesting!
World of pain
Guess who aches? I do! From neck to feet I ache, but heck I'm not whining. It's a familiar feeling and I guess I miss it a little. I really only accepted that I wasn't the fit, athletic guy I was last year. A year of sitting down took out a few years of working out and sports. Now having that said, I think I may just trying doing CrossFit more often. Who knows.
Okay so I just came back from T&T (an Asian supermarket I think, for those of you who don't know). Anyways I bought a lot of snacks and food for my Japanese taste test project for Tuesday. I got myself some strawberry and melon pudding, well I'll just say I got a lot of snacks. Then on the way home I stopped by Superstore to get some more snacks. I have to say that it feels somewhat uncomfortable shopping in Superstore compared to an Asian supermarket (in a non-racist way). I go to Superstore more often but the Asian supermarkets feel a lot more clean and organized. Maybe it's because the nearby Superstore here was renovated a bit and I have to get used to it. I have to say that I don't mind shopping at either though a lot of my friends would rather stay away from Asian supermarkets, they blame the smell and weird stuff lol. I was also greeted by a light shower outside, just what I wanted huh? There's still much prep for me to do for camping as well as a lot of homework which I probably should work on more. Ah I'll get to that right now I guess.
I was planning on posting another random picture to day but I decided to just share another nice song.
Okay so I just came back from T&T (an Asian supermarket I think, for those of you who don't know). Anyways I bought a lot of snacks and food for my Japanese taste test project for Tuesday. I got myself some strawberry and melon pudding, well I'll just say I got a lot of snacks. Then on the way home I stopped by Superstore to get some more snacks. I have to say that it feels somewhat uncomfortable shopping in Superstore compared to an Asian supermarket (in a non-racist way). I go to Superstore more often but the Asian supermarkets feel a lot more clean and organized. Maybe it's because the nearby Superstore here was renovated a bit and I have to get used to it. I have to say that I don't mind shopping at either though a lot of my friends would rather stay away from Asian supermarkets, they blame the smell and weird stuff lol. I was also greeted by a light shower outside, just what I wanted huh? There's still much prep for me to do for camping as well as a lot of homework which I probably should work on more. Ah I'll get to that right now I guess.
I was planning on posting another random picture to day but I decided to just share another nice song.
June 05, 2010
Well I started writing this pretty late, Friday night (well 1AM Sat, so I guess early Sat then). I've caught up with my recently currently watched anime series (Angel Beats, K-ON!!, and Kaichou wa Maid-sama) Oh man, I've starting to hear voices. K, going to bed.
Also Angel Beats episode 10 felt pretty rushed, but maybe it's just me.
Summer is nearing! A lot of planning and booking time has been happening for me. Some fun things planned, and lots of free time. Though I should probably work more. I should also work on my homework. Oh well.
I did some CrossFit work out today. Worked out my extremely built muscles. C'mon I'm ripped! (no way)
Actually I'm not as fit as I used to be, I used to be in many sports. So the work out went pretty bad/slow. We did "Kelly" which was in total a 2KM run, 90 Box Jumps, and 90 Wall balls. As you've guessed I'm totally exhausted and I only did 3/5 reps cause I was the newbie. Oh and I walked home, goodie. The sun came out and it just stole the little energy I had. Too bad I was already dizzy and deaf in an ear. Apparently it's common but it sucked to walk home lol. I do regret running though, screwed up my leg ha. I just wish I had some money so I could get a drink on the way home. And I really really shouldn't of drank milk before going.

And here's some sun! It hurts my eyes.
Also Angel Beats episode 10 felt pretty rushed, but maybe it's just me.
Summer is nearing! A lot of planning and booking time has been happening for me. Some fun things planned, and lots of free time. Though I should probably work more. I should also work on my homework. Oh well.
I did some CrossFit work out today. Worked out my extremely built muscles. C'mon I'm ripped! (no way)
Actually I'm not as fit as I used to be, I used to be in many sports. So the work out went pretty bad/slow. We did "Kelly" which was in total a 2KM run, 90 Box Jumps, and 90 Wall balls. As you've guessed I'm totally exhausted and I only did 3/5 reps cause I was the newbie. Oh and I walked home, goodie. The sun came out and it just stole the little energy I had. Too bad I was already dizzy and deaf in an ear. Apparently it's common but it sucked to walk home lol. I do regret running though, screwed up my leg ha. I just wish I had some money so I could get a drink on the way home. And I really really shouldn't of drank milk before going.

And here's some sun! It hurts my eyes.
June 03, 2010
Sun? Horraay! Though of course, temporary and I have to admit there are many times where it's randomly sunny. I'm still going to enjoy this moment anyways! It's hot and bright out. Not a blue sky but a white sky.
Oh and a random note, I'll probably be going camping a lot in summer and maybe participate an event with some students from Japan, who knows I'm just throwing it out there.
Still two weeks of school left. All I can do is wait it out. I have a few projects and things that are due soon.
And you know what? I get the urge to write about things I'm working on and stuff like that but I have a feeling it would either spoil you guys, somehow manage to make me lose motivation to actually go out with it, or people will pressure me to do it if I don't. I'm bad at keeping promises if pressured. Anyways I'm just getting that out so, if I do put some things up they will surprise you. Surprise! I have nothing for you guys right now!
Oh well, here's a random video of a song I like.
Oh and a random note, I'll probably be going camping a lot in summer and maybe participate an event with some students from Japan, who knows I'm just throwing it out there.
Still two weeks of school left. All I can do is wait it out. I have a few projects and things that are due soon.
And you know what? I get the urge to write about things I'm working on and stuff like that but I have a feeling it would either spoil you guys, somehow manage to make me lose motivation to actually go out with it, or people will pressure me to do it if I don't. I'm bad at keeping promises if pressured. Anyways I'm just getting that out so, if I do put some things up they will surprise you. Surprise! I have nothing for you guys right now!
Oh well, here's a random video of a song I like.
June 02, 2010
More rain?
Funny how I talk about the rain so much these days. Maybe it's bothering me, maybe not. All I know it that it's never the same. The weather here feels unstable. Well maybe I don't go out enough to have the right to say such but anyways it's different everyday, the rain, everything. Today the rain has been really really wet but it's bright out, white, large clouds, all that good stuff. Though it's still warm.
I wonder how the weather is in other places. A friend of mine told me the weather around her city (30 mins away) was much more stable. It was just sunny. Lucky her huh? Another friend of mine has been having much more gloomy weather, well atleast it's just gloomy right?
Here's a random picture of some nearby tree somewhere outside.
I wonder how the weather is in other places. A friend of mine told me the weather around her city (30 mins away) was much more stable. It was just sunny. Lucky her huh? Another friend of mine has been having much more gloomy weather, well atleast it's just gloomy right?
Here's a random picture of some nearby tree somewhere outside.
June 01, 2010
It's Tuesday today! Well when I posted this. And suddenly, sun! Yay! Well it hurts my eyes but maybe that's more or less due to my lack of sleep. Didn't do much today. Redid the Lab in Chem (everyone screwed up). Played some Monster Hunter, did some homework. All so boring eh? Oh well life moves on, but for now. Another boring Tuesday.
Oh yeah. I also managed to screw up my computer last night but restored it earlier so it's better now. Was a hassle, not too much though.
Heh, this random picture of the day is my Watermelon Sword for my Advent Cirno cosplay. Yes for those of you whom haven't seen it in person it does come apart and back together. Though being nice and all I feel I can remake it and have one with much more quality. It's been dulling up these past years.
Oh yeah. I also managed to screw up my computer last night but restored it earlier so it's better now. Was a hassle, not too much though.
Heh, this random picture of the day is my Watermelon Sword for my Advent Cirno cosplay. Yes for those of you whom haven't seen it in person it does come apart and back together. Though being nice and all I feel I can remake it and have one with much more quality. It's been dulling up these past years.
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